Greetings all. I recently downloaded a selection of albums for free from Top Shelf Records, it's their fifth anniversary and to mark the occasion they were offering a bundle of albums and EPs from their label for free. Their website can be found here:
I'm part way through perusing the collection from the zip file I downloaded from their site. It's a nice mix, not everything in it is "my thing" but then it wouldn't be a collection would it? I have a varied music taste but it doesn't quite encompass the entire world of musical diversity.
Anyway, so the bands in the bundle. I'll begin with the first and end with the finale. Actually I'll just find them from the folder in some semblence of coherent cohesion. With the alliteration out of the way I'll move onto the bands. In the bundle are:
- Caravels
- Into It. Over It.
- Castevet
- Lion Club
- Stand Up. Get Down.
- The Clippers
- The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die
- Us Against the Archers
- Aeroplane, 1929
It's a very varied bunch. Ugh, no more alliteration, must not use to much rhetoric in these posts. Of the ones that I've listened to my two favourites are Caravels and Stand Up. Get Down. They've got a great sound and energy to them. I also think Us Against the Archers are ok as well. Although in one of their tracks they used a fake clap effect, and it made me cringe. I don't know why but I've discovered I find fake clap effects terribly annoying. However a fake clap track was used in another track from the bundle, this time from a different band, and somehow I was able to tolerate it. It wasn’t quite as garish, slightly more subtle. Mind you it still annoyed me, and I was pleased when the ten seconds of its use were over. So I think this is a conclusion, it may be the first I’ve come to since this blog began back in 2009. I don’t like fake clap sounds. At all.