Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Holidays Are Upon Us Apparently

So the year is drawing to a close, and Christmas is right around the corner. This will be the last entry before that holiday is upon us so I'll use this blog post as an opportunity to wish you all a happy holidays, whatever you're going to do. I'm sure you've all been hearing the various Christmas songs in near constant repetition, they're pretty difficult to escape in their varying degrees of terrible musicalness. Yes, musicalness is a word, but please don't look it up. There are the odd couple of Christmas song renditions I can bear, but those are oases amid the wasteland of other songs.

Anyway I'll just give a quick update on my musical life. Not much to report, the guitar playing continues, although I don't practice enough. Also I discovered a band called Social Distortion. Well I say discovered, what I mean is I listened to a well established band that I should have heard of earlier. I really like them. I haven't got any of their albums yet but I'll probably pick up one or two after Christmas.
So that's all for now. Have a good Christmas and suchlike and I'll see you (or rather I'll post here), sometime afterwards.



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